Thursday, October 5, 2017

Quintana Roo's 2nd Rescue Run Race Report

Hi, Roo here! I know everyone wants to know how my new brother Wichita is doing, so before the race report...a Wichita report :) He doesn't cough anymore and he has lots of energy to play with me now. My parents are teaching him to do easy stuff like sit, down, & shake paws. I like to show him how to do it, so we both get lots of treats. He does sometimes chew the ears off my toys, that's the only thing I don't like, otherwise having a brother is fun!
This is my brother Wichita
Now for my race report. Last year the Rescue Run was my very first race. Now I know all about running races. I still run with my mom really early most mornings, so we actually got to sleep in before this race. We got to the race site and parked in a big open field, the field was full of awesome smells! We walked over to the tents and race area and lots of people petted me and said hi. There were lots of other dogs too! I tried really hard to be good and I only barked at a couple of dogs who looked like so much fun!!
haha! I thought this was a real dog for a minute!
Me & my mom before the race.
I even got to meet some firefighters and have my picture taken by their truck
Finally it was time for the race! We got out on the street and lined up. I was so excited!! Then we ran!!! Yay! I ran fast because there were people and dogs in front of me and I wanted to be FIRST! We passed all but one of the dogs and then a guy said to my mom,  "hey that's cheating!" My mom laughed and said, "I know, right!! He makes me run 2 minutes per mile faster than I really can!" Then they laughed, so I ran even faster!

Then my mom made me slow down. She said, "Roo, I can't run that fast and you can't run that fast for 3 miles!" We were almost at mile 1 and then nature called...sigh. My mom always tells me to go BEFORE a race, but somehow, I never can and I end up having to take a natural break during every race. But we still ran our first mile in 9:30, which my mom said is awesome!

At the aid station at mile 1.5, I stopped and got a big drink of water and a very pretty yellow lab in a blue tutu came up behind me. I liked her a lot and tried to run with her after the aid station. I slowed down a little for miles 2 & 3. Don't tell my mom, but I think she was right. I really can't run super fast for 3 whole miles...maybe someday. But when we turned the corner and only had less than 1/2 a mile left to go, my mom said "ok Roo, you can go fast now!" so I went really FAST again to the finish line!

I had so much fun! And I raced really hard this time. I had to drink a lot of water after we finished. We finished 58 seconds faster than last year. So my mom and I are both super happy with our second Rescue Run.
After the race
I hope I get to do more races soon, and I hope I can get to the computer to write race reports too.

Peace, Love & Puppy Paws,

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