Everyone got to my house on time and we got our duties clearly lined out: Driving- Kristen, Navigating- Heather, Heckling from the backseat- Kendra & Shayla, Cowbelling & cheering- all of us. We got to our first stop at miles 2 & 8 early and had time to get some coffee, but we couldn't find a coffee shop open at 6:40am! Really? After walking around looking for an open coffee shop for about 15 minutes, we realized Austin Java had opened early, probably because there was a crowd of about 30 people outside whining that they weren't open!
We found Rita and chose the perfect spectating spot near mile 2, soon the first runners were coming by! We saw Jon, Eva, Cindy, Carol, Del, Andrew & Peylin (Ingrid saw us and yelled like crazy, I think Kristen and Rita saw her but I missed her) at mile 2 and we waited and waited but missed Elizabeth. Darn! I thought for sure we'd see everyone at mile 2! We moved over to mile 8 and saw Jon, Eva, Del, Andrew & Cindy and again I missed Ingrid! I knew we would miss some of our runners at mile 8, but we needed to get to mile 11, where hopefully we'd see all but our very fastest runners.
Some of our group needed a pit stop so on the way to mile 11 we stopped at Cafe Medici. We were all starving and I was happy for the stop, but it seemed that not everyone (or maybe no one) had carefully inspected my timing sheet. I felt like a drill sergeant "Move, move move!! Let's go or we're going to miss them!" We got to mile 11 got a perfect parking spot and ran down the hill to the marathon/half marathon split. Kristen talked to someone who told her Cindy had run by less than a minute ago! Really?? We missed her by less than a minute? I figured we could still see Jimmy, Carol and Elizabeth at mile 11. Then Ingrid surprised us and ran by, and even stopped to talk for a minute! I guess she really meant it when she said she was taking this one easy (of course she had run a 100 mile trail run 2 weeks earlier!). We waited for Jimmy, Carol and Elizabeth, but after awhile I was afraid we had missed them again, and Kristen wanted to get to mile 18 before we missed the full marathoners again! We tried hard, but in the end we missed a lot of our half marathoners and didn't do as well spectating for them as I had hoped.
We got to mile 18 and had a little time to wait before any of our Tri Zoners came by. Cindy had given Kristen a couple of popsicle sticks for vaseline. We weren't sure if she was afraid they wouldn't have any or if germaphobe Cindy didn't want to touch the popsicle sticks everyone else was touching. We assumed it was a germ issue, so we all pretended to lick Cindy's vaseline popsicles.

After mile 18, we dropped Shayla and Kendra off at my house so they could get to swim class. Kristen and I planned to see Kim G and Cindy at mile 25 then double back to mile 18 or 20 to see Carol. We figured we still had extra time so we went to go hang out with Jody at mile 20. Somehow we didn't find Jody, but as we were looking for her Cindy ran by and threw her sweat soaked spi belt to me. That seemed like a faster pace than I expected, so Kristen and I hurried over to mile 24.5. We got there and a few minutes later, Cindy came running by still singing "I Feel Good" and even dancing this time! Super impressive for 24.5 miles into a marathon! Kim G. was just behind her and having some calf cramps, I offered to run to the car and get her some salt tablets, but with 1.7 miles to go she decided to just keep going. Why didn't we have salt tabs ready this time? I have no idea...sorry Kim!

In the end we saw most of our friends on the race course at least once and we had a lot of fun, so even if it didn't go exactly as planned, maybe it was still a perfect day of spectating.
With our spectating finished, Kristen and I went to the finish line to meet Cindy and find some lunch, we were starving!

When I got home I told Jeff "I think I only ran about 2 miles today, but I feel like I ran a marathon!" Spectating is hard work :)