The drive to Galveston went really well, we didn't hit any heavy traffic through Houston so we were in Galveston by 4. It rained a little on the way down, so we wanted to get our swim in before it got dark or started raining again.

When we got up on Saturday the weather seemed pretty nice, humid and cloudy but no rain. We started riding just before 7, we had a screaming tailwind and were going 20+mph with almost no effort, we figured "just enjoy it while we can, because the return miles are going to be TOUGH!" We planned to do 2 loops, 60 miles the first loop and 40 the second. The first 30 miles were really nice, tailwind, a few rain showers but nothing major, beautiful views of the water and even a big rainbow! Sandra and I turned around at 31 miles and got blasted by the headwind! But we knew to expect that and just started pedaling. It was easy to go 20+ on the way out, now we were working hard to go 12. Within a few miles it started to rain again, hard enough that the rain drops stung when they hit me. I kept thinking about how Jeff and I are always saying training rides in the rain aren't worth the risk, it's just too easy to crash on slick roads. I was not happy to be almost 30 miles from the car in pouring rain. Sometimes the rain would let up and I'd think, "this isn't so bad, we can get in our second loop if it will stay like this" but then it would start raining hard again and I really didn't want to ride 60+ miles in pouring rain. The last 10 miles were probably the worst since it rained hard that entire time and our nice big shoulder turned into a tiny narrow one just when traffic really picked up, some of the RVs and trucks were definitely passing too close for comfort. Del finished and came out and drove behind Sandra and I with his flashers on for a little way, I don't know how long since I had no idea he was back there until he told me after the ride. I also started seeing flashes of lightning in the last 5 or 10 miles and I remembered Coach Jen saying on Thursday "if there is lightning I want your asses inside where it's safe!"

Just as we started talking about at least trying to run a little we saw more lightning and heard a big thunder boom and decided no way! We were done! As we started trying to load up, a police officer came by to see if we were ok, and he told me he had been "seeing funnel clouds all morning" Yikes! I was drenched, cold, and miserable. Jon suggested McAlister's for lunch and drying off. I looked at Ingrid and said "McAlister's has SOUP!" Her eyes lit up as if I had said Gordough's!
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