I think I learned to water ski when I was 12, before we started SCUBA diving my family did water skiing vacations most summers. My parents even got a membership at a private lake close to our house so we could ski any time all summer. My little brother and I both LOVED it. We used to ski for hours at a time and never wanted to stop. Ever since moving away, I have jumped at any chance to go skiing, but I hadn't been in almost 2 years. Jeff even made me throw out my old skis, granted they were in terrible condition, but I was still sad.
Jason (who works with Jeff) invited us out on his boat on Memorial Day, I was super excited! I went to Sun and Ski and checked out the skis, it took A LOT of self restraint to not come home with new water skis! Lake Austin was really crowded that day and it ended up that Jason couldn't put the boat in the water. He invited us again Thursday after work. Jeff had the day off and I got a phone call at work "which skis were you looking at?" Woohoo! I'm going to get to ski! Jeff picked me up from work and fought the traffic to get to Lake Austin. I love Austin, where else can you leave work during rush hour and still be on the water 30 minutes later!

We were only on the water a few minutes before I got in to ski. Jason's boat is really nice and easy to ski behind. I was having SO much fun! But I can't believe how out of shape I am! I skied for a few minutes a couple of times then decided I needed a break.

Jason and Jeff

After resting for a few minutes I got in and skied again. It was so much fun! I skied a little longer this time, but still got tired pretty fast.

I got back on the boat and we enjoyed the sunset.

We saw this heron in front of Sandra Bullock's old house.

Jason suggested the County Line for dinner, I didn't know you could get there on the water, how cool!

Jason at the County Line

They even had live music

leaving the County Line
Jeff and I both had so much fun! Hopefully we'll get to go again soon.