Photo by Tom Marek
This was my 4th Austin Tri, it's one of my favorite races. I was extra excited about this race because I've had kind of a tough year with injuries and illnesses, so this was my first healthy race of the season! My pre-race routine was pretty normal. When I dropped my bike off at transition on Sunday, it was crazy windy, and since it's been so dry, the transition area was a dust bowl! I could barely breathe and I knew my just cleaned bike was going to be covered in dirt by morning. I hoped the wind would die down, but I knew based on the forecast that it probably wouldn't.
Sandra got to my house at 4:50 (on time!), we picked Julie W. up on the way, got a good parking spot, and got to transition before it got crowded. E-beth body marked me, I said Hi to Tom, Carolyn, Andrew, Sarah, and Big Adam as I went into transition. Then it was the typical hanging out with other Tri Zoners waiting for the start. I decided to try First Endurance Pre-Race before this race, I've used it in training before and decided this was a good race to try it since it wasn't too long. I mixed 1 full scoop of pre-race into a very dilute bottle of Ultragen and started drinking it about 6:40. A little after 7 I walked down to the start, said hi to Ron & Roger and a few other Tri Zoners, and got ready to start, I wasn't feeling a rush from the Pre-Race, but I didn't think too much about it. As we waited for the wave in front of us to get in the water and start, the girl standing beside me laughed and said "I'm excited too!" I looked at her and realized I had been snapping my fingers, clapping my hands and jumping up and down, maybe the Pre-Race was working!
I got in the water and the temperature felt perfect. I decided I'd start a little to the left to avoid some of the traffic, but I realized lots of people were hanging on the dock, I assumed they were slower swimmers, so I didn't want to start near them. I started to push my way through the crowd to the right just as the announcer yelled "10..9.."crap! I do NOT like where I'm at! I kept trying to move to the right until he got to "4" then I got ready to swim. Somehow I ended up in a great position, very little contact, no one starting slow in front of me, it worked out! I started off fast and felt a little out of breath, but then I remembered we didn't get to do warm up swims, so that feeling was normal, I just had to get through it, after a couple minutes I felt great! Every time I sighted I was in perfect position, I felt strong and happy! I passed a lot of guys in the 2 waves before me, but I knew I was swimming about my normal pace, so I wondered if a lot of guys were doing their first Olympic tri, and were a little slower swimmers. I really enjoyed the swim and continued to feel strong and happy. After the final turn buoy I just had to swim back to shore. I didn't really feel like I should be finished already, but I got to the swim exit and got pulled out of the water, really PULLED out, I didn't have to use my legs to get out of the water at all! Swim time: 33:59, a minute and a half slower than last year, but not bad considering last year was wetsuit legal this year was not.
I was a little nervous about the bike this year, with 20 mph winds I knew it would be challenging for me. I got out on the course and up the Congress hill the first time, not too bad (but that was with tailwind) I made the first U turn and started down the hill, not nearly as fast as last year, but not scary with the wind gusts, so I was happy. I got to the false flat section to the Capital and tried to stay in a harder gear but quickly realized that was not going to happen, I could only push so hard against the wind. I hit the second U turn and got to fly down Congress to Ceasar Chavez, I knew I'd have cross wind on that section, but it wasn't as bad as I'd expected. I was actually feeling really good about this ride in the crazy wind! I started to see people I knew on loop 2, that's part of why I love a loop course. There were lots of spectators out too, I looked for people I knew and heard my name quite a few times, but rarely saw who was cheering for me, except for Jeff on Cesar Chavez. My butt on the bike, I guess I was too fast for Jeff to get a picture from the front :)
There were a couple spots where the wind gusts really picked up, but I handled it fine. There were definitely some people weaving & getting blown around by the wind. I had fun and encouraged people as I passed them and said hi to people when they passed me. My average speed was edging up overall, but that headwindy section on Congress slowed me down each lap. On the third lap, I couldn't believe I was on the last lap already, I kind of wished the race was a little longer. I pushed hard through the headwindy section and started to get a cramp in my foot, it slowed me down a little as I tried to stretch and reposition my foot so it didn't turn into a "searing pain have to stop" kind of cramp. It eased up, but never completely went away. I also started to feel a slight twinge of hunger, I was only a couple miles from the finish and I had drank all my Infinit, oh well. I didn't realize it at the time, but after the race, I remembered that Pre-Race makes me hungrier (I think it increases my metabolism). I didn't account for that when I planned my race nutrition. I loved the bike course this year and I was really afraid I wouldn't with the windy conditions. I was really happy with my ride even though it was about 5 minutes slower than last year (when there was almost no wind). Bike time was 1:36.
In T2 I looked at my swimming watch which I hadn't stopped, I thought it said 2:11, so I figured if I ran the same pace as last year, I could PR (obviously that doesn't make any sense, I knew I swam a minute slower and biked 5 minutes slower, I didn't think about it then, but I'm pretty sure the watch actually said 2:17 or maybe 2:19). I saw Jess and Peylin come in as I left transition.
I got out on the run course and realized I was Hungry! I decided not to wear my Fuel belt with Infinit, but I forgot about the Pre-Race hunger thing. I got a cup of PureSport as I left transition. I usually do ok with PureSport as long as I'm careful not to drink too much and walk a little after I drink it. My legs felt pretty tired from pushing so hard on the bike, but I was having so much fun that I didn't care. As always there were tons of spectators cheering on the course including lots of Tri Zoners. Red cheered us up the only hill on the course, Tri Zones Central was near the team tent, and Jeff was on 1st st.
Blowing Tom a kiss at Tri Zones Central, right after letting all the kids soak me with the water guns! Photo by Tom Marek.
I also saw Julie W., Jess, Peylin, & Katie on the course lots of times. I played tag with Katie over and over. I walked and drank PureSport at every aid station, while Katie passed me, and I'd pass her after I started running again. I had so much fun talking with the Tri Zoners and the other athletes on the course. As I ran up the 1st bridge the second time, the guy beside me said "what a beautiful day" and I said "it really is! Aren't we lucky to be able to do this!" and he said "we really, really are" So true! I ran by Jeff and through Tri Zones Central for the last time and across the finish line! Run time was 1:08, total time was 3:28, about 8 minutes slower than last year, but with the Wind on the bike and the no wetsuit swim, I'm happy with that.How can you not love this race, what a beautiful course and look at all that crowd support!
I haven't raced as much this year as I have the last 3 or 4 years. And the 2 races I did were not quite as much fun as usual (I had a painful Achilles injury at Lonestar, and bronchitis/sinus infection at Couples). I'm so happy I did this race since it was everything I love about triathlon! I think I was smiling every minute of the race, even though Alysha said she caught me not smiling on the run, but only for half a second :)Peylin and I at the finish
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Ultraman Canada Crewing Day 3!
Day 3 was a cold morning, about 40 degrees. Ingrid was excited, but a little nervous. The start line was in the middle of nowhere! Literally, we drove down a country road and the only way we knew where to stop was this start banner in the middle of the road!
Ingrid looked great at the start and the scenery was gorgeous! Unfortunately, it seemed like a few of the other athletes were really feeling the last 2 days. In the first few miles we saw most of the athletes and cheered for everyone, but quickly they spread out and we started to only see those close to Ingrid.
The plan was to stop, get out of the van and cheer, support, hand off drinks, etc. every mile and then to wait long enough that we passed Ingrid (and usually rolled down the window to cheer) shortly after the 1/2 mile, so we'd pretty much see her every half mile. This meant we had to estimate her pace, which changed based on uphills, downhills, etc. So it was a little challenging at times. Didn't help that we were stopping on miles and the van odometer read in kilometers. Jeff used my Garmin to mark the miles, which worked for awhile.
Ingrid had an awesome first 13 miles!
Running with Ingrid just for a minute to see how she was feeling and what she needed.
Between miles 15 & 20 there was a little country store, it was the only business on the entire 52 mile route, so of course all the crew and many athletes took advantage of it. Unfortunately the 2 little old ladies working there were NOT prepared (in their defense, I'm guessing they normally see about 10 customers a day, and they had more than 30 of us, all in a hurry, in about 2 hours, I'm sure they were very overwhelmed). Jeff and Ramona went into the store while I ran back to let Ingrid know where we were and that we hadn't abandoned her to run up a big hill alone (which meant I ran up the big hill with her). We got to the store and Ingrid continued on, while I went inside, on my way in Jeff said "don't even bother!" We had just over 4 minutes til we had to take off to catch Ingrid at the next half mile, so I didn't have time to ask him what happened. I ran in, found the blue gatorade Ingrid wanted and got in line, there was just one couple in front of me, so I had plenty of time.
The couple in front of me was ordering breakfast, but they were talking in slow motion t..w..o...e..g.g..s...s.c..r.a..m..b.l..e.d, and the lady behind the counter was writing in even slower motion so they had to repeat what they said at least twice, and they each ordered about 7 different things! This was taking FOREVER! They were about halfway through their order when Ramona got in line behind me, obviously we decided to pay together to save time, we had less than 2 minutes til we needed to go catch Ingrid now! Finally it was our turn! The lady had to find a price sheet and look up the price of Ramona's brownie, then she asked if she wanted her muffin warmed up..."yes..actually no, we don't have time for that" then she walked to the back to get the other lady to scan our gatorade, she scanned the gatorade in super slow motion, it didn't take, she scanned it again, and again, and finally it took, but we had 2 bottles of gatorade, so she had to go through that process again. At this point Ramona and I were quietly freaking out, looking at each other with wider and wider eyes. We had definitely missed the half mile time and we'd be lucky not to miss the mile stop! "your total is $6.97" Ramona handed her a 10 and I said, "you can just give us the $3 don't worry about the pennies" The lady stopped counting out our change, gave me a not so nice look and said "PATIENCE!" wow!! If you know me at all, you know I have no patience in the best of circumstances, but I held my tongue and waited while she counted out $3 and 3 pennies. We ran outside, jumped in the van and took off. Of course, Jeff said "I told you..." apparently he had a coffee incident and told one of the ladies "so I guess if you wait your turn in line here, you don't get helped?" Yikes! We caught Ingrid just before the mile mark and a little later we were sharing Ramona's brownie and Jeff said "I'd like to be mad at those little old ladies, but they really know how to make a brownie!"
Around mile 23 was the only rest stop of the race. A friend of the race director owns a cabin on the course, so every year he and his family set up a rest stop. They had watermelon, trail mix, M&Ms, drinks, etc and they were super nice. Ingrid was in a hurry to get to the 1st marathon point, so she didn't stop, but I got some watermelon and stuff for later. Aside from the athlete's crews, they were the only spectators on the course.
Ingrid had a great first marathon and looked and felt strong. Everyone had said the second marathon was harder than the first, but according to the elevation profile, the second marathon had a lot of downhill and not much uphill, but in reality the second marathon included climbing up mountains! and it was mostly on dirt/gravel road.
Ingrid climbing up the mountain
We had lots of things to keep Ingrid from getting bored or discouraged.
tic marks on the van for each mile completed (which became a little difficult after we doubled back on the course and our mileage was off!)
the Ultraman Spirit Stick, not as fancy as the Ironman Cozumel Spirit Stick, but considering what we had to work with, I think we did ok :) Ingrid was excited to see a Spirit Stick, even if it was an actual stick decorated with junk from the van and stuff we found in the woods!
There was a BIG hill coming up, so Ramona made me dosey doe and sing "she'll be comin' round the mountain" WAY out of my comfort zone! But I'll do anything for Ingrid, and she loved it so it was ok (and how is it that Jeff got a picture of that, but couldn't get a good shot of Ingrid running up the big mountains??). Having to dosey doe at the post race awards banquet in front of everyone was a little less ok...but I'm over it now and the picture is pretty funny, so I guess maybe even that was worth it.
The "Coach Tracy Live Easy" look. Ingrid loved the Coach Tracy look so much that she asked to wear the hat & boa for the finish!
the second marathon was beautiful, but it was tough!
lots of hills and some really long steep mountains! Jeff tried to get pictures of Ingrid on the longest steepest hills, but it never really worked.
Ingrid got to pass quite a few other athletes on the run.
I was supposed to be Ingrid's pacer, originally I told her I could run up to 15 miles with her, but I got really sick just before Ultraman and I wasn't sure I could do more than 6 or 8. Ingrid was very careful about only letting me run when she really needed me, which meant I ran mostly uphills! Near the end, Ingrid let me run some downhills too :) She really didn't need me to pace her much at all, I have no idea how far I ran, but definitely less than 6 miles. I think she really only needed me when she was "almost done" around mile 40 but still had 12 miles to run. We (the crew) felt it too, "only 12 miles to go!" but then I'd think, 12 miles is still a long way to run! We got closer to the finish and the gravel turned to pavement and we got pretty steady downhills for the last few miles (that's when I got to run a few downhills too). We were all so excited! About a mile before the finish, the crews split from the athletes, we parked, got Ingrid's finish stuff ready and met her outside the finish chute. At Ultraman, the crew runs across the finish line with the athlete! Pretty cool considering I didn't actually do the race!
Ramona, Ingrid, me, and Jeff crossing the Ultraman finish line! Congratulations Ingrid! You even made Ultraman look easy!
Ultraman Ingrid enjoying her post race coconut cream pie!
Crewing for Ingrid's Ultraman was a very cool experience. It was a lot of work (in and out of the car a few hundred times, testing the limits of my triathlon math, hardly any sleep, trying to anticipate Ingrid's needs, etc), but it was so, so much fun! I don't know how she did it, but Ingrid stayed happy and positive pretty much the entire race. I expected to have some really low moments, I expected to see Ingrid get upset, or even angry, but none of that happened. Instead, she constantly reminded us how lucky we were to be together in such a beautiful place, she thanked us for doing a great job (even when we messed up), and she even encouraged other athletes and thanked other crews. I guess all of that is what makes Ingrid Ultra Awesome! Thanks for such an amazing experience Ingrid!
Ingrid looked great at the start and the scenery was gorgeous! Unfortunately, it seemed like a few of the other athletes were really feeling the last 2 days. In the first few miles we saw most of the athletes and cheered for everyone, but quickly they spread out and we started to only see those close to Ingrid.
The plan was to stop, get out of the van and cheer, support, hand off drinks, etc. every mile and then to wait long enough that we passed Ingrid (and usually rolled down the window to cheer) shortly after the 1/2 mile, so we'd pretty much see her every half mile. This meant we had to estimate her pace, which changed based on uphills, downhills, etc. So it was a little challenging at times. Didn't help that we were stopping on miles and the van odometer read in kilometers. Jeff used my Garmin to mark the miles, which worked for awhile.
Ingrid had an awesome first 13 miles!
Running with Ingrid just for a minute to see how she was feeling and what she needed.
Between miles 15 & 20 there was a little country store, it was the only business on the entire 52 mile route, so of course all the crew and many athletes took advantage of it. Unfortunately the 2 little old ladies working there were NOT prepared (in their defense, I'm guessing they normally see about 10 customers a day, and they had more than 30 of us, all in a hurry, in about 2 hours, I'm sure they were very overwhelmed). Jeff and Ramona went into the store while I ran back to let Ingrid know where we were and that we hadn't abandoned her to run up a big hill alone (which meant I ran up the big hill with her). We got to the store and Ingrid continued on, while I went inside, on my way in Jeff said "don't even bother!" We had just over 4 minutes til we had to take off to catch Ingrid at the next half mile, so I didn't have time to ask him what happened. I ran in, found the blue gatorade Ingrid wanted and got in line, there was just one couple in front of me, so I had plenty of time.
The couple in front of me was ordering breakfast, but they were talking in slow motion t..w..o...e..g.g..s...s.c..r.a..m..b.l..e.d, and the lady behind the counter was writing in even slower motion so they had to repeat what they said at least twice, and they each ordered about 7 different things! This was taking FOREVER! They were about halfway through their order when Ramona got in line behind me, obviously we decided to pay together to save time, we had less than 2 minutes til we needed to go catch Ingrid now! Finally it was our turn! The lady had to find a price sheet and look up the price of Ramona's brownie, then she asked if she wanted her muffin warmed up..."yes..actually no, we don't have time for that" then she walked to the back to get the other lady to scan our gatorade, she scanned the gatorade in super slow motion, it didn't take, she scanned it again, and again, and finally it took, but we had 2 bottles of gatorade, so she had to go through that process again. At this point Ramona and I were quietly freaking out, looking at each other with wider and wider eyes. We had definitely missed the half mile time and we'd be lucky not to miss the mile stop! "your total is $6.97" Ramona handed her a 10 and I said, "you can just give us the $3 don't worry about the pennies" The lady stopped counting out our change, gave me a not so nice look and said "PATIENCE!" wow!! If you know me at all, you know I have no patience in the best of circumstances, but I held my tongue and waited while she counted out $3 and 3 pennies. We ran outside, jumped in the van and took off. Of course, Jeff said "I told you..." apparently he had a coffee incident and told one of the ladies "so I guess if you wait your turn in line here, you don't get helped?" Yikes! We caught Ingrid just before the mile mark and a little later we were sharing Ramona's brownie and Jeff said "I'd like to be mad at those little old ladies, but they really know how to make a brownie!"
Around mile 23 was the only rest stop of the race. A friend of the race director owns a cabin on the course, so every year he and his family set up a rest stop. They had watermelon, trail mix, M&Ms, drinks, etc and they were super nice. Ingrid was in a hurry to get to the 1st marathon point, so she didn't stop, but I got some watermelon and stuff for later. Aside from the athlete's crews, they were the only spectators on the course.
Ingrid had a great first marathon and looked and felt strong. Everyone had said the second marathon was harder than the first, but according to the elevation profile, the second marathon had a lot of downhill and not much uphill, but in reality the second marathon included climbing up mountains! and it was mostly on dirt/gravel road.
Ingrid climbing up the mountain
We had lots of things to keep Ingrid from getting bored or discouraged.
tic marks on the van for each mile completed (which became a little difficult after we doubled back on the course and our mileage was off!)
the Ultraman Spirit Stick, not as fancy as the Ironman Cozumel Spirit Stick, but considering what we had to work with, I think we did ok :) Ingrid was excited to see a Spirit Stick, even if it was an actual stick decorated with junk from the van and stuff we found in the woods!
There was a BIG hill coming up, so Ramona made me dosey doe and sing "she'll be comin' round the mountain" WAY out of my comfort zone! But I'll do anything for Ingrid, and she loved it so it was ok (and how is it that Jeff got a picture of that, but couldn't get a good shot of Ingrid running up the big mountains??). Having to dosey doe at the post race awards banquet in front of everyone was a little less ok...but I'm over it now and the picture is pretty funny, so I guess maybe even that was worth it.
The "Coach Tracy Live Easy" look. Ingrid loved the Coach Tracy look so much that she asked to wear the hat & boa for the finish!
the second marathon was beautiful, but it was tough!
lots of hills and some really long steep mountains! Jeff tried to get pictures of Ingrid on the longest steepest hills, but it never really worked.
Ingrid got to pass quite a few other athletes on the run.
I was supposed to be Ingrid's pacer, originally I told her I could run up to 15 miles with her, but I got really sick just before Ultraman and I wasn't sure I could do more than 6 or 8. Ingrid was very careful about only letting me run when she really needed me, which meant I ran mostly uphills! Near the end, Ingrid let me run some downhills too :) She really didn't need me to pace her much at all, I have no idea how far I ran, but definitely less than 6 miles. I think she really only needed me when she was "almost done" around mile 40 but still had 12 miles to run. We (the crew) felt it too, "only 12 miles to go!" but then I'd think, 12 miles is still a long way to run! We got closer to the finish and the gravel turned to pavement and we got pretty steady downhills for the last few miles (that's when I got to run a few downhills too). We were all so excited! About a mile before the finish, the crews split from the athletes, we parked, got Ingrid's finish stuff ready and met her outside the finish chute. At Ultraman, the crew runs across the finish line with the athlete! Pretty cool considering I didn't actually do the race!
Ramona, Ingrid, me, and Jeff crossing the Ultraman finish line! Congratulations Ingrid! You even made Ultraman look easy!
Ultraman Ingrid enjoying her post race coconut cream pie!
Crewing for Ingrid's Ultraman was a very cool experience. It was a lot of work (in and out of the car a few hundred times, testing the limits of my triathlon math, hardly any sleep, trying to anticipate Ingrid's needs, etc), but it was so, so much fun! I don't know how she did it, but Ingrid stayed happy and positive pretty much the entire race. I expected to have some really low moments, I expected to see Ingrid get upset, or even angry, but none of that happened. Instead, she constantly reminded us how lucky we were to be together in such a beautiful place, she thanked us for doing a great job (even when we messed up), and she even encouraged other athletes and thanked other crews. I guess all of that is what makes Ingrid Ultra Awesome! Thanks for such an amazing experience Ingrid!
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