I dropped Jeff off at the shop on my way to the ride, he and Nic were doing bike repairs at the last rest stop. I got out to the Spirit Reins Ranch and got registered with no problem, I ran into Coach Gina and talked with her for a few minutes. Just before we started I also ran into Maggie. Jeff put a different stem on my bike last night, so I spent the first few miles just getting used to the slightly different way my bike was handling (and climbing hills). The signs on this ride were great, there was never any question about exactly where to go. There were rest stops about every 10 miles and I had decided that I would stop at all of them since this was my first long ride and I didn't need to try to go fast or anything.
The first rest stop had Girl Scout cookies- yum! The second had homemade oatmeal cookies- yum again! The hills were tough but not too bad. Some of the downhills were really steep, I'm probably the only person in the world who hates going downhill fast. It freaks me out. One was so steep that I actually got off and walked down it.
The last rest stop was sponsored by Performance Bike and Team Roadkill. When I got there I got to see Jeff, and I hung out for a few minutes. For the last few miles the wind picked up and I had a headwind back to the ranch. I didn't even mind, it was such a beautiful day and at that point I only had a few more miles to ride anyway.

They had a transition area and a 5k run course set up, so I decided I would do a very short run, about 15 minutes. I saw Maggie finishing her ride while I was running.
After the ride they had fajitas for lunch, a live band, and pony rides. This was great ride, I couldn't believe how well organized it was and it was a beautiful day.
After the ride, Jeff and I went out to Flat Creek Estate Winery to pick up our wine club case of wine. We had lunch on their patio. It was the perfect day to be outside.