We headed up to Rocky Creek Park at Lake Somerville on Saturday for a weekend of training and fun. Jeff and I got there first and picked a campsite right on the water and on the peninsula. When Ingrid and Chris got there they were very impressed with our choice. Kim was right behind them.

We set up camp and played in the water for awhile then Ingrid and I decided it was time to swim. Kim stayed near us in the kayak and Jeff and Chris also followed on floaties.

Steph's kayak, thanks for letting us borrow it Steph!
I'm sure we were an interesting sight! We swam for about an hour and I'm figuring we went at least a mile, probably a little more. It was definitely good practice, the water was pretty choppy at some places. Ingrid and I both had a good swim!
When we finished swimming it was time for dinner at the
Somerville Steakhouse. Jeff and I hadn't been there in a long time and no one else had ever been. I wish I had remembered the camera, but the "small" steak Ingrid and I shared was bigger than a large dinner plate!
Back at the campsite we saw a really cool harvest moon and we also saw the space station fly by!

See Ingrid waving from inside her tent?
Sunday morning we got up, watched the sunrise, and got ready to ride.

Matt and David got to the campsite about 7 and we started riding at 7:30. I had a good ride, didn't get tired and felt strong on the hills. I tried a
new saddle again this weekend and I like it MUCH better than the last one! We did 44 miles. Jeff had planned to mountain bike instead of riding with us, but he couldn't find any trails so he drove to 6 or 7 points along our route and met us and offered extra water, food, assistance, and encouragement to anyone who needed it. We all felt pretty cool having our own Sag wagon! He got some good pictures too!

David going FAST!
Ingrid also going FAST!

Me going not nearly as fast as David and Ingrid

Kim and Matt, they're both capable of going fast but weren't going too fast in this picture.
We did 2400 ft of climbing in 44 miles. Here's the GPS
motionbased link to the rideWe had no flat tires, no mean driver incidents, and only one mean dog, but he went after both Ingrid and Chris, luckily neither of them got hurt.

We got back to camp and put our bikes on the "transition line" Jeff had set up on Saturday.

We all did a short run, which was not much fun for me, I was getting hungry and dehydrated, I really need to work on that for Longhorn, but my
Infinit is coming in today so hopefully that will help. Then we cooled off in the lake, David actually did a real swim, but he was the only one the rest of us just played.

We watched people paragliding while we were in the water.

We had lunch at
Royer's Roundtop Cafe, this crazy car is in front of the cafe.

Matt apparently knows the Royers, how is it that he knows everyone??

I'm pretty sure I ate more calories than I burned biking and running! But it was definitely good!

We all had a great time and we can't wait to do it again!